A supermarket that I really like to go to because everything is there and the layout of the products is convenient to view. Plus, everything I buy is in stock and prices for the left bank are moderate
The supermarket is undeniably good and cool in every sense. But I'm already tired of taking and substituting price tags with a completely different price, and at the checkout the price turns out to be twice as high. There is an eternal discrepancy in the prices that are written. I carefully check the labels, etc., okay, the difference is not much in 5-20 tenge, but the rest is no longer adequate and must be regulated. I use it every day, but such shortcomings are unpleasant.
A young girl who accidentally took one piece weighing canfeta threatened the police, although her parents bought more than 50 thousand tenge of food. They asked her to weigh how many grams came out to be included in the total bill, she basically spent half an hour, did not pluck anyone, then let her go. Due to such difficulties, the store loses customers