I like the sellers, polite, not all Small, such service. It's just a pity that there is often one seller. It is advisable to write the receipt in two languages, as it should be by law.
There is a small assortment, there is always something in the aisles - because of this, you cannot drive with a stroller. There is only one cash register, because of this, there is always a huge queue. Garbage is not removed - it spills out of the trash onto the asphalt.
I will make a discount on the fact that we have recently opened, but there are many disadvantages, an uncomfortable store, a lot of things are missing, the assortment of vegetables and fruits is scanty! It's inconvenient to walk between the rows, the staff is rude
The choice is standard, everything is normal, but the cash register is something... I have not stood in such queues anywhere, while the staff is not interested in the customer at all, like you should thank them for letting you into the store