Бронирование фар, кузова и отдельных элементов автомобиля. Винил для автомобиля.#Броньавтомобиляминск #изменениецветаавтомобиля #защитаоптикимиснк #частичнаяоклейкаавтомобиля #полнаяоклейкаавтомобиля
40 Br
Полировка оптики от 80 руб
Полировка фар и фонарей абразивными пастами или с глубокой шлифовкой. #полировкафар #полировкаоптики #шлифовкафар
100 Br
Полировка кузова от 500 руб
Полировка - идеальный вариант придания блеска и глянца. #косметическаяполировка #абразивнаяполировка #полировкаминск #полировкацарапин #частичнаяполировка #полнаяполировка #устранениедефектов
700 Br
Химчистка салона автомобиля от 300 руб
Чистим весь салон: Потолок, Багажник, Ковролин, Кресла, Стойки, а так же весь пластик и стёкла. Все поверхности в конце консервируются (кожа и пластик) #химчисткаминск #детейлингхимчистка #полнаяхимчистка #частичнаяхимчистка
We did a great job, I applied for polishing, pasting and dry cleaning myself + I sent two people, we were also satisfied. The prices are average on the market, the quality is cooler.
The best service, the highest quality. I did car pasting, polishing and ceramics. The result is above all praise. Many thanks to Mikhail for such a cool job!
Hello everyone, I've been wanting to polish the headlights in my passatik for a long time, I saw this account in an Instagram advertisement a long time ago, I started following and immediately realized that I would do this procedure right here. But then there was no time, then extra money, I think everyone knows the story, well, in general, it hasn't pressed at all yet, and now in rainy weather, I generally had to turn on the long-distance on the highway, I realized I had to go and do polishing...
And I will tell you, not that I, but even Master Mikhail himself did not expect such a result, he was just shocked by their neglected state... but even with such a horror, he coped, I will specially leave below the photo, before and after, the original photo without any fakes, filters and treatments, so that you also look at this beauty !!!
Naturally, we also agreed that after we cover it with film, fortunately Mikhail knows how and did it professionally ...
I am very pleased with the price, and I admire the result in general, every time I go out I see a car and smile!!! Such a result is worth a lot... At the same time, everyone else, when I got into the car, I found various nice things and surprises inside, you must agree - it's always nice...