The Temple of the Most High Lord God, the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God! The only thing that has come down to us, as well as human life through millennia in an unchanged form, is Faith! During the universal prayer, the water that has memory changes at the level of atoms in the molecule and acquires a bizarre shape becomes (living water), useful for the human body! The Mosque, the Church are also Sacred servants, they are guides for a Person with the Supreme Mind of Allah God the Lord! That disembodied thing that cannot be grasped with your hands, only with your Soul!
A very unusual temple. I do not know what, but something incredible happens to me every time. It's a miracle every time. Be sure to visit and pray with all your heart. Everything will be fine.
The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1888 at the expense of the merchant F. Tudakov and his wife. In the post-revolutionary years, the temple was closed, but after the war it was among the first 10,000 temples that were opened throughout the Soviet Union. With the formation of the Ural Diocese and the appointment of the ruling bishop, the church was subsequently given the status of a second cathedral. In 2000, by order of the akim of the region I.N. Tasmagambetov, the cathedral was completely restored. The cathedral is built of burnt stone, 45 meters long, 14 meters wide, and its highest elevation is 34 meters.
Website of the Diocese
This is our only church in the city for prayers. The building of the XIX century. Everyone is friendly and kind. My sister, seeing her attitude, the desire to be baptized, was baptized for free, thanks to the father for this. He realized that then we couldn't pay for the ceremony. It was a long time ago.
A long-lived city, a gracious Temple, good-natured people. The choir sings clearly, easily enough. The priests and workers are friendly, the parish is strong and friendly.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, may the domes and walls of this monastery of Christ come in goodness. May the Guriev Flock be faithful to her and the folk path to the Temple will not be overgrown with the past!
To be honest, I really liked the interior decoration, the service and the people working in the temple. They treated us humanely, helped with candles, suggested the location of the icons
Единственный Православный Храм в Атырау. Очень хороший. Хорошие священники, настоятель, клир, приход. Хор хороший по воскресеньям и праздникам. В общем, Слава Богу!
Старейший храм Успения Божьей Матери.единственный в городе Атырау.Храм построен в 1888 году купцов Тудаковым.Федотом и его супругой Ириной.Храм строился 10 лет.В 2000 году по распоряжению акима И.М.Тасмагамбетова была проведена полная реставрация храма.Прошло 20 лет с тех пор более храм не ремонтировался.Очень красивые купола позолоченные а во время праздников великоцерковных цвон колоколов слышен отовсюду в городе.А также очень объёмный обзор Храма виден со всех точек города.Очень примечателен и как место поклонения прихожан и как архитектурный памятник.
Собору Успения Божей Матери уже 130 лет. Когда заходишь в него отдыхаешь душой и телом. Очень красивый как снаружи, так и внутри. Благодаря Тасмагамбетову который посодействовал в реставрации храма, он стоит в своей красе и простоит ещё долго. Аминь.