The idea is great, and the execution, as always ... Almost every day I run here and do sports. But, a lot of flaws: out of 4 toilets, only three work, and then only one stall at a time, cleanliness inside wants the best, near the toilet from Kabanbai Batyr street, puddles constantly, it is not possible to enter; there is no marking of kilometers on running and cycling tracks, you do not know how many kilometers one circle; mosquitoes periodically eat in the evenings; it is difficult to ride along the outer perimeter of the bike path, because there are many crosswalks and you have to jump on curbs, I do not understand at all (this applies to the entire city sidewalk) why install curbs at exits and arrivals, and even so that they protrude above the asphalt (the city, including the Botanical Garden is not for people with with limited capabilities). Of course, our dear citizens also create inconveniences, they walk with and without children along running and cycling paths, although there is a pedestrian one next to them, there is no mutual understanding - I walk where I want, and they are not afraid of children who can accidentally be touched on a bicycle. In general, there are conditions, but it is very difficult to train.