I want to write only about the pool. I am glad! There are two of them in the school: a small, shallow, warm one for elementary school; the second is an ordinary pool - the temperature is cooler (as it should be in an adult pool), the depth is ~ 1.6 meters. The length of the tracks is standard 25 m. The number of tracks is 5. The main disadvantage is overcrowding in the evening. I stopped going there because the number of people on the track became 5 or more people. Swimming in such conditions is very unpleasant and it is not possible to fully practice. This situation has arisen due to the fact that during paid swimming for adults, 2 tracks are given for children. It would be more rational to divide adult sessions and children's training sessions by time.
Ужасное место. Учителя - последнее быдло, им абсолютно все равно на наш уровень подготовки. Они относятся к ученикам, как к пустому месту. Питание в столовой оставляет желать лучшего. Конечно, я учусь не в ресторане, но эту стрепню есть невозможно.