School is about nothing!
The Russian teacher (T.A.Polyakova) really does not know either his subject or others. To the question: "Why "6" for an essay on "How I spent the summer"? She replied: "There is no Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. I was there. And there's only the Black Sea
.".. Are you serious???
None of the teachers wants and does not give knowledge.
Exceptions: Leonid Bronislavovich Avchinnikov, a geography teacher, and Egor Vadimovich Galota, a teacher of history and social studies. These are teachers who are trying to make children better. All the others work exclusively according to the system - "It is necessary to meet the requirements and follow all the orders of higher authorities," that is, to put on an appearance, forgetting about children and their education. Sometimes there aren't even forks and spoons in the dining room. And, yes, graduation is a separate topic. If the parents came to the graduation with the three of them (mom, dad, grandmother or child), then only two of them are allowed into the hall, the rest are outside the school. And yes, even these two do not have enough free seats in the hall, and many are forced to stand for 2-3 hours during the event. But the first 2 rows are allocated to the guests of honor: the administration of the Russian Academy of Education, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the police, who do not want to sit and watch it all.
I study at this school and it has the best of everything.
I graduated from this school and I can say come out you are really smart, but only if you study. The teachers are interesting, but there are some gadgets.
In short, 4/5