Makanina Irina Arsenievna, as a director, is bad in relation to parents. In other schools, principals greet their parents, and this is what I passed by with my head held high. It's not the director. Polyakova Irina Valeryevna was better than Makanina. Makanena needs to change schools or be a teacher to descend from heaven to earth. Pavel Sergeevich Evmenov is better than the director, he does not lift his head like that
Мой ребенок закончил школу 55. Очень грамотная, чуткая, доброжелательная администрация: Полякова И. В. и Калинина Е. А. Очень хороший педагогический состав. Я очень рада, что мой ребенок учился в этой школе. Хочу пожелать внимательных и послушных учеников, понимающих родителей. Пусть ваш благородный труд будет вознагражден по достоинству! Кому не нравится школа, советую, поучиться в другой школе для сравнения)))
free education
sociable students
a couple of good teachers (who give grades for knowledge, and not for their attitude to them (3-4))
do not smoke bread in the toilet (without me)
there are no Muslims at school
free food (maggots in buckwheat + make you eat this stuff)
a friend almost got a condition for a firecracker(blown up on the street🚨🚨🚨)
recess for 10 minutes
lessons for 45 minutes
the doors of the school are closed for school time🤪👎
you can just stand incorrectly, for example, not on a black cage, but on a white one, they will come up to you and say "no, you're not doing it the way I like, stand on the red one, and I don't care that it's not here, find it."..