Sri Radha Raman Temple — dedicated to Lord Krishna as Radha Ramana. It was built at the request of Gopala Bhatta Goswami around 1542 AD. This temple, along with Radha Vallabh Temple, Radha Damodar Temple, Radha Madanmohan Temple, Radha Govindji Temple, Radha Shyamsundara Temple and Radha Gokulnandan Temple, is one of the seven most revered ancient temples of Vrindavan.
The temple is exquisitely designed and is one of the most revered temples in Vrindavan, especially by followers of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. It houses the deity of Krishna in a shaligram next to Radharani.
Gopala Bhatta goes to the famous Kali Gandaki River in Nepal. He was surprised to see how several Shaligram Sheelas entered his water jug after he dipped it into the river. He threw the Awls back into the river, but they returned when he refilled his jug.
Gopala Bhatta Goswami discovered a total of twelve Shaligrama Shilas. It is said that one day a rich man came to Vrindavan and donated clothes and jewelry for Gopala Bhatta's Shaligram. Gopala Bhatta, on the other hand, could not use them for his round Shaligrams. He offered to give the jewelry of the deity to someone else. It is said that he refused to take them back, so Gopala Bhatta left the clothes and jewelry along with his shiels.
On the day of Purnima (full moon). Gopala Bhatta laid them to rest in the evening, covering them with a wicker basket. Gopala Bhatta took a little nap late at night. He went for a swim in the Yamuna River early in the morning. When he returned, he opened the Shaligrams to perform puja and found the Deity of Krishna playing the flute among them. There are only eleven Awls and one Deity left. "Damodara Shila" appeared as a beautiful triple curved form of Tri-Bhangananda-Krishna. Thus, Radha Raman emerged from the sacred Shaligram Shila in the form of an ideal deity.
Radha Raman means the beloved (ramana) of Srimati Radha.
The architectural style is very interesting, the services are very beautiful, and the ministers are friendly.
One of the most popular temples in India, which houses a self-manifested deity. It is impossible to describe the temple in words, you have to see it with your own eyes!
Have you ever been here? No? If possible, be sure to try to be here; find out His story, talk to Him, He loves you, protects you, protects you and waits for a meeting with each of you