In no case and under no pretext should you even think of contacting this office. The scheme of work is built according to the type of "ala computer burglars" (if you wish, check out the BRIGMAN YouTube channel, there are live examples of the schemes of "divorce" of clients). The price list on the website and in reality are two different things, acts of completed work are often not provided, but documents confirming the fact of completed work/services rendered, especially. Often, "specialists" try to "sell" a bunch of unnecessary services to the client, which are not only ineffective, but the cost is invented from the ceiling. The onlineer covered the office and their work scheme in sufficient detail.
Disgusting aftertaste after communication.The organization is cheating. The master arrived, introduced himself as an employee of the KC Project service center, turned out to be self-employed, and the service center turned out to be a group of dispatchers who were not responsible for the work of the master. From my point of view, the substitution of labor relations with civil law in order to avoid paying income tax and deductions to the Federal Tax Service. If the master had rendered a good service, I certainly would not have delved into the legal nuances of the activities of this organization, there are regulatory authorities for this. But the person came and took 80 rubles for the diagnosis (which is presented as a free service), after which he said that when the required spare part was available, he was ready to come again (naturally for a fee). I am writing a review so that others do not fall for the bait of these scammers, but I hope that in the very near future our market will be cleared of this "Horns and Hooves" office. I read an online article about this company, as well as the current vacancies of the aforementioned LLC, and I am as sure as possible that this organization is typical *** of the dashing 90s.
I do not advise you to contact here, I rarely write reviews, I could not resist here)))
At the time of diagnosis, when disassembling the laptop, the master broke the wi-fi module to me (when trying to find a compromise and fix the situation, he simply merged and began to ignore), when diagnosing the cause of the breakdown and could not say the exact repair, he offered to clean and replace the thermal paste with the words "well, it should help, if it doesn't help, then we'll come up with something"
The repair helped, but the warranty they gave expired, and the problem reappeared. I do not advise you to contact, pay better attention to a good laptop repair service, definitely not this one, it would be less than one star - I would put