The stadium is not bad, it works regularly, there are places of interest billiards, tennis, table football, chess, a rocking chair to do everything according to your interests, well done to keep it up.
And why is the passage to the turnstiles at the stadium closed on both sides. From the side of the church and from the side of the stadium itself. Or do we need to jump over 2 world fences like deer in order to train in the evening????????? Or are you doing this on purpose so that people can't practice?????? Who even allowed you to close the passage to the public stadium of the district???? And the operating mode indicates the working time until 22:00. Or call and write to the city administration and provide them with photos of your locks on the gates during the working hours of the stadium.
It's a good stadium, but the administration apparently considers itself the local bosses and closes the passage to the turnstiles and the basketball court, poke some mythical decrees and even lock people up. And all this despite the fact that the stadium is officially open until 22 o'clock. And there is nowhere to complain and there is no justice to be found. Do whatever you want. So much for exercising and being healthy. Lawlessness