Our little art. Shokai, there is a school, the children of this school dream of a gym, since there is no gym. Very poor road conditions, in the summer you can't drive and the land can't pass, a lot of people left because of the children, there are not enough teachers, nor any prospects for children. For 7.8 years, many people have kept a farm, at this time, on the fingers of someone who has a farm, thank God, at least the program has reached every house and water has reached us, many thanks to Nazarbayev, 2019 we have water in every house. I would like us to have a mini bakery, an embankment of roads, i.e. to raise roads, not to leave in the spring, not to drive in, there is mud, water and pits all around. There is fresh air here compared to the city. I want simple human living conditions. So that people would come and not leave. Yes, a person is looking for <where is better, and a fish where is deeper >.