I would like to express my gratitude to the ambulance team number 2 Artysiuk Alyona Vasilyevna and Permyakova Alexandra Igorevna. Thank you for your kind hearts and attitude towards strangers. You are the best specialists. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!May God grant you health and a bonus!!!
I thank the ambulance crew, who arrived on 08/10/2004 on a call to the Salyut recreation center
Fast, efficient, professional
Thank you very much for your hard work!!!
Very helpful staff!!!God grant you good health!
I liked the paramedic uncle Pasha very much)))
He arrived quickly, spent about an hour with us, explained everything to me about my child, he just saved us. A lot of knowledge, experience and a desire to help!!!I don't remember the last name, but I wrote a thank-you note. Happiness to him
On August 2, around 3 a.m., I had an unbearable headache and a temperature of 37.6. This was the first time I had ever felt such pain in my life. She couldn't lift her head from the pillow, couldn't look away with her eyes. I drank paracetamol to make my head hurt a little less. I waited an hour, the pill did not relieve the pain. My head and eyes ached to tears, I called an ambulance, described the situation, they told me that my head ached from the temperature and in general, it was not necessary to bring down such a temperature. I explained that I couldn't stand the pain anymore. I was told to drink a hat. I said I didn't have a hat. The dispatcher said that with such problems I need to see a doctor. I say, "I'm asking you for help." And he answered me: "you call an ambulance, but you need to see a doctor." 'thanks' to the dispatcher, with people like you, you can not live until the morning...