Напиток на основе эспрессо и молока с небольшим количеством молочной пены
1600 ₸354 ml
Латте охлаждённый
Охлажденный напиток на основе эспрессо и молока с небольшим количеством молочной пены. Поддерживая эко-инициативу, для охлажденных напитков мы предлагаем стакан с крышкой, для которой не нужна трубочка
1600 ₸354 ml
Киш с индейкой и грибами
Киш с индейкой и грибами
1200 ₸150 g
Круассан с индейкой
Классический круассан с начинкой из индейки, листьев салата и соусом Крем-чиз
1700 ₸230 g
Маффин Двойной шоколад
Шоколадный маффин с кусочками шоколада и топпингом из мягкого сыра
1600 ₸120 g
Донат Крем брюле
Пончик с двумя видами начинок: ванильный крем и ирис Тоффи, покрытый глазурью Крем-брюле, шоколадом и хрустящими ирисными шариками
The coffee is delicious and fragrant. The staff is nimble and polite. The atmosphere is pleasant. The eldest daughter with her husband and my son, who is 13, like to go there. Why do I emphasize age , I am an older generation person . Young people like to visit such places. And waste money. And I think it's a very expensive place. Yes, it's beautiful, yes pompous, yes delicious coffee. But there are a lot of places where you can drink coffee at a more reasonable price. The pricing policy has not been worked out very well. I have already been told that everything is expensive now. But such establishments work for people, not people for them. Nowadays, you don't need to be reminded all the time that everything is expensive. Everything should be accessible to people. Simple ones. Who earn money. And it is available not only for a certain stratum. Start thinking about people already! And we will come
It's a great place, the food is delicious, the service is excellent, the staff is wonderful!!!the coffee is very tasty, I have never made a mistake with the choice, the atmosphere is gorgeous, and very comfortable. but the price bites(((