I have been using the clinic's services for several years, during which several curious incidents occurred. In the first case, my dentist assured me that the darkening of the tooth enamel is just a darkening of the fissures, that this is not a carious process, there is nothing to treat, respectively. A month later, after enrolling in the 1st year of university, I heard from a dentist from a student polyclinic that it was caries, which, of course, I did not take seriously, because she examined me without tools and proper lighting. + I decided that a doctor from a private institution understands better (naive). A year later, a month before my planned trip to this miracle clinic, there was acute pain, as it turned out, inflammation of the nerve, subsequent filling of the dental canals (fortunately at that time my "dentist" was away and I, due to unbearable pain, rushed to another private clinic). However, for some reason I attributed this case to a lack of personal hygiene and continued going to the clinic Be healthy. And in vain.
After that incident, I put 3 more fillings there. There were darkenings on 2 of them, to which I was given the same answer - darkening of the fissures, no caries, come back in half a year. Not only are the prices there not so low, but they also do their work poorly! It turned out 5 months later (again a month before the scheduled check-up), when I decided to go to the student clinic. I wanted to go to Be healthy, but something pushed me not to do it (too similar cases). I explained to the doctor from the studio, they say there are fillings on these teeth, but there are unpleasant sensations when consuming liquids and food. As it turned out later, the carious process was developing, ATTENTION, under the fillings that were placed in the clinic, Be healthy. I.e., a new one was not formed, but the old one continued. I do not understand how, when filling, a doctor with experience could not notice the remnants of caries, especially putting a seal on top of it! I would understand if my caries had formed nearby, in a new area, doubting what I had heard, I even asked the student's doctor about it.hospitals, but the verdict was very clear - caries continued on two teeth UNDER FILLINGS. A coincidence? I don't think so.
Thank God that this time it did not reach the nerve and I did not give this dubious office money for the treatment of dental canals. Of course, now is not an easy time, but I consider it unprofessional and inhumane to get clients in THIS way.