Thinking of a normal store.... buying a 40,000 thousand dollar product for a quarter of a million... if you did not buy the goods for 200 UAH, then you will be surprised to receive a refund for three rubles in 2 days, after you receive a receipt, which was sent by the director in particular.The director categorically admired tse robiti, she categorically admired pushing the book scarg I introduce myself, saying lisha, sho vin Oleg.It's not Raju shanovni who lives here, but kupuvati. Shanovni vlasniki to the store, zvernit uvaga on his "stavlinika".... turn around, yak vin yourself to drive with your companions (video, yak vin rozmovlyaye with customers to know on YouTube). I will not come to you any more, and I will not be happy!!! This is a nightmare!!!!!