Курс-исследование для женщин, на котором мы системно изучаем женственность, восстанавливаем здоровье женской репродуктивной сферы, омолаживаем весь организм.
40000 ₸16 h
Онлайн курс "Восстановление"
Особенности курса :
- Занятия идеально подходят для физической реабилитации и восстановления нормального тонуса после заболеваний, пережитого стресса или длительного перерыва в тренировках.
-Курс великолепен для первого знакомства с кундалини й...
Powerful support for a modern person — this is how I would describe Kundalini yoga of the Yoga Bhajan tradition.
After 3.5 years of practice, comparing the quality of life, my mental and physical condition before and after getting acquainted with Alia and Kundalini yoga, I am amazed at the scale of the changes that have taken place.
But the scale is determined not only by the desire to change and the discipline of the student, but also by the caliber of the teacher.
We are incredibly lucky in this.
Finely crafted lectures based on scientifically proven facts; a practice system that includes not only physical exercises, but also meditation and relaxation; and most importantly, true humanity and love that translates from the teacher's heart to the students' hearts - these are just a small part of how our classes can be described.
Aliya, thank you for every day of practice and getting to know you.
Who better to talk about the product than the adherents?! 😁
Where do you see the name Aliya Musina - it's a sign of quality ✅
If all people treated what they bring to others in this way, our world would be much more reasonable and reliable.
If a person wants something real in our world, in which those who shout and stand out the most go for it, then you are here. It's real here. Yes, it's not popular, yes, no one keeps us here, but if you understand the value, then you stay. As you practice, you will begin to change: the wonders of discipline, clear instructions, advanced scientific information that Aliya so carefully, honestly, interestingly and humorously brings to us in lectures, each time new complexes of bowel movements, meditations - do not let you get bored, even after many years of practice, which undoubtedly falls in love with Kundalini yoga, purifies it from heresy and helps to improve my life, both factually, mentally, and physically. I have not yet encountered such an attitude towards tradition. And I'm very happy that sometime in a difficult period of my life, I met Aliya, came to try, and just stayed...💪🏻
Classes with Aliya help me maintain my adequacy and beauty over the years, our first classes were more than 10 years ago. All this time I've been trying various other techniques, but I can confidently say that other courses on facefitness, facelift, Face massage or yoga for the face do not bring such results. At the New Face club, we have not only external improvements, but also internal ones. Physically, we feel changes for the better, compliments every day since I started studying. Thank you so much to Aliya and all the Members of our wonderful club! Together we are a force!