I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of the civil office: they promptly issue the necessary documents, communicate kindly and answer questions.
Some citizens are also rude, they are already shaking, they have learned the word INCOMPETENCE and they are dissatisfied, they roll their eyes; do not listen to them, you are doing a wonderful job!
Suddenly. Despite the negative reviews, I got through the first time and unexpectedly got an answer to my question. Although I called with confidence that I would be sent
Office of the Civil Chancellery-no comments:(. the nook where the visitors crowd.The court employee is above all praise -a fast, reasonable young man.But given the number of visitors, it is not reasonable to make a "jar of herring" from the court, besides, that the place (size) of the building allows you not to huddle on the window sills.In general...God forbid to go to court... you will give your blood money, but when they will return it is a very big question, and whether they will return at all...
The absolutely animal attitude of the judges!!!!
The statement about 30 beatings inflicted on me by my mother, not only was ignored, but they also came up with some kind of ****!!!!
No fine was collected!
I may have a cerebral hemorrhage, so it won't be considered?!
It's not the first time my mother has beaten me like this, and it's not the only one!!!!
So that the same thing happens to the same judge!!!
Terrible attitude to the participants of the process! In a small office, the judge asks questions about the knowledge of articles from the legislation, figures on the merits of the case under consideration! BUT the parties to the case are forced to rummage through their papers standing up, get nervous and confused! Create normal conditions and allow non-professionals to adequately defend their rights!
Yes, what can I say, as everywhere there are adequate employees, and there are not at all adequate, they just shrug their shoulders to questions and there is no answer..in general, there are a lot of unpleasant moments
I sent a statement of claim by e-mail, since I live in another city. I've been trying to successfully get through for two days to find out if my application was accepted for all the phone numbers I found on the Internet. Finally, they answered one of the numbers, but it turned out that I had to call another number altogether, which was not on the Internet. They don't pick up the phone on that number
A terrible attitude, and the qualifications of a judge. I served my sentence without evidence, which is 2.6 years of my life. Upon release, I wrote a complaint against the judge's decision, so I've been waiting for an answer for 3 months for sure. It was useless to try to get the truth from places of detention. There has never been so much anger and resentment. The system does not work from the word at all. I know what I'm talking about because I graduated from the Academy of Management under the President of R.B. (state. Management and law) is just a horror and a shame.
Complete nonsense, and not the work of the system, it is simply not realistic to find out information, who, when, who is being tried, what decision was made is not known. It is useless to call those employees who can be reached, they simply DO NOT KNOW anything (it is not clear what they are doing) by phone numbers that they should answer, they just stupidly do not pick up the phone, 3 people called without interruption for 4 hours and did not get through...
The court is like a court. They imprison people indiscriminately, not being particularly shy about the almost complete lack of evidence and obviously fake eyewitnesses of the "crime", recalling already repaid debts and laughing at the testimony of the defendants and witnesses. By "recommendation" from above, and in fact, to increase personal statistics.
See original
Anonymous review
March 31, 2021
No one understands business!!! You can come and say that I am owed the nth amount of money, and the court obliges me to return it))) They believe my word of honor. Correspondence is sent anywhere.
There is no elevator for the disabled, court hearings are often held in small offices, queues to submit an application, security is responsible, judges are competent.
As in the Stone Age, everything is only on paper, it was possible to digitize materials for a long time, and not rush through the archives for every piece of paper.