Yes, there is little left of the USSR, the USSR has little left, but also of the country. There's not much left.But the plant is still trying to survive, and there are few large orders, but there is not much done in the country by local manufacturers. Our servants of the people pay off all foreign companies for kickbacks.And for Vladimir.t. last year, the plant made, fused and fixed a drawbridge in Chapaev.yes, so there are orders, but yes, they are very rare, although the factory may be larger.but it's not that simple, and the pandemic be it as wrong as a sickle .......well, what can I advise the authorities to pay attention to wages, prices are rising and salaries are like all remain rooted to the spot on the same level.
If you are prone to masochism, then go ahead and work in this "institution", otherwise I can not call it, salaries there leave much to be desired, the production of something is done "carelessly" saving absolutely everything, faulty material is masqueraded as supposedly serviceable and workable. Lack of TB, disregard for the slave. to the class, constant salary delays and constant errors in the issuance of a PO, by pocketing it by accountants.