It's a nightmare, I've never encountered it before. I bought milk on Friday and Saturday, 15.11 and 16.11, "fresh news", shelf life until 29.11. The receipt was preserved from 16.11.Today is 20.11., the milk was opened the day before yesterday, 18.11. And it has already turned sour and curdled when boiling! There are 2 more bottles, until 5.12. I just opened one, also with a sour smell. This is the first time in my life that I buy such milk in winter, so that it immediately turns sour, with such an expiration date and recently opened. This is how you need to store it and what to do with it so that you can sell such a shame to customers. A total of 6p 18 kopecks thrown in the trash!
Now it's a Spectrum store, but the meaning is the same. Low prices for goods, the quality is different. There are good dairy products (cream, cheeses, etc.) also at a low price. The assortment changes and is replenished almost daily. I bought a great set of bed linen at a price 2 times lower than in other stores.