A cheap goods store. Many things are really at bargain prices. It's very nice to buy the same coffee three times cheaper. You have to be careful with the food. In short, roughly speaking, the wholesale base. All my friends go with pleasure. Compared to neighboring euroopts, it is much cleaner.
The place is good, you can find a lot of things at a low price, but it is not very convenient. You have to go around the whole store to find something, and then stand in a very long queue. But I still recommend it.
A good store with cheap prices. I constantly buy the necessary little things there. the prices are pleasantly pleasing. However, lately the assortment has become impoverished for some reason. I hope this is temporary.
A small shop with cheap goods: ice cream (without milk), canned olives, sprats, etc. with only water and a little bit of product. Alcohol is a little cheaper. Soap is liquid - well, very liquid. And it's not bad. There are always queues. I always leave 50 rubas.
Convenient Parking, a lot of high-quality goods at low prices (cheese, mayonnaise, condiments, toilet paper, sprats, corn, peas). There are also poor quality goods, but you need to look at the price: free cheese in a mousetrap.
There is a large selection, but there is no product layout, the aisles are narrow - two carts barely move apart. The product corresponds to the price category - what is absolutely cheap is not worth taking, what can be taken - in other stores the prices are the same.
There are a lot of available goods at low prices, but at least one more cash register (queue) is missing, and the goods can be arranged a little more carefully.
Grocery warehouse, everything is very cheap, but an ordinary store will not replace it. There are both groceries and all sorts of household goods, like kettles and mugs.
A good store. There are proven brands for adequate money, but there are also enough low-quality products. I recommend it if you carefully look at what you are buying
Just a low-price store. I think if the same one had been opened in Novopolotsk, then all the Vests and Dionysuses would have smoked for the most part of the assortment.
For such a store, you need more space.Jostle with carts is difficult to miss.there are long queues at the ticket offices.apparently, the aisles between the shelves do not meet the standards.But the parking lot is respect
Hello, I advise the owners of the traffic light store to reconsider the sale of household appliances so that they mark the warranty on their goods, otherwise everything is fine.
Cheap products and goods are a plus.
But it is impossible to eat them and this is a MINUS!
If you buy only proven brands. Well, you can have seeds, nuts, etc.
There was a good store, but the assortment is getting worse, and prices have become higher due to a clever move With prices for a receipt above 20 rubles
There is little space, it is bad to walk and the goods are poorly laid out, and the store itself is far from the center, it is very difficult to get there.