Sometimes we come here. The prices are certainly pleasing to the eye, but there are a lot of low-quality products, you need to know exactly what to take so that you don't get disappointed later. But sometimes some interesting items are imported, at very pleasant prices (for example, pasta from durum varieties with a lot of protein, Belarusian cheese or soda without sugar).
In terms of service, there are always queues at the ticket offices on weekends (respectively, the parking lot is clogged), there are practically no queues on weekdays in the evening.
The store is +/- clean, the price tags match, there are always enough carts, the goods are not scattered, they are in their place.
For its level (economy segment), it is quite a good store, I would not compare it with stores in another segment, it would clearly not be correct.
Great store! Everything is available at an affordable price. The assortment is good. Respect to the store's employees, with such an influx of customers, they remain calm, polite and responsive.
It seems to me that when it was opened, there were a lot of all kinds of goods and really very cheap. At the moment, most of the goods can be taken in places closer to home... This is purely my opinion.