The convenient location of the store, behind the store you can find Parking, a fairly large trading floor, a large selection of goods, very friendly staff, cashiers serve very quickly, but the store is often in a mess, of course, first of all it depends on US - the buyers! Many people open the packages with the goods, scatter the goods, some even tried the work of a fire extinguisher... Therefore, it is necessary to think about the order in the store, first of all, for customers! There are often not enough employees, they cannot stand and fix the goods and keep an eye on everyone.
Maximum attention and concentration during the descent and ascent to this basement store! There are a lot of people inside, it is difficult to turn around with carts, there are always, without exaggeration, always long queues. According to the product offers, 5-7 interesting positions can be noted.
Cashiers are the most patient and beautiful of cashiers. The choice of goods in a large assortment. This is our favorite store.
P.S. "It's good that there are such stores. Good health and good luck to the employees and their families."