No service, the seller is on site, the snuffbox is open, he asked for cigarettes, the seller started shouting that they were fucked up, it is not visible that I am busy and she has no time.
There is no stable work schedule. They wanted to open, they wanted to close. Technical breaks are constant, for an hour or more. The seller behind the snuffbox, without letting the phone out of his hands, constantly smokes while there is a queue of customers. Once the seller was drunk and listened to a chanson, asked to sell cigarettes, showed a video from YouTube. The horror!!! Find adequate staff there already.
Snuffboxes are a nightmare. You never know if they work. Specifically, in this snuffbox, the seller indignantly told me, "why are they bringing this little shit to us?" That's what she called iris meller. Somehow it is not very pleasant that my purchase was given such a characteristic 🤷♀️
A typical example of the perversion of the idea of separating drugs from products into the idea of returning drug sales points to a cross-country memta.
See original
Anonymous review
August 1, 2021
Convenient location, but not a very convenient work schedule