This taxi has more disadvantages than advantages. Drivers don't know how to talk culturally, boors. Also, they do not know how to get to where, they have to explain and it does not always help. The city is small, since you went to work in a taxi, learn the addresses. I'm calling a taxi to the entrance, not to go anywhere else. The time of car delivery also wishes the best. Fortunately, there is no need for a taxi and these are isolated cases that have left negative impressions.
It's terrible. It is simply impossible to call a taxi through the "magnificent" application. I tried twice in a month and each time I waited for more than 40 minutes and the taxi did not arrive.
I tried to order by phone, they said "10-15" minutes, but after half an hour, when I called again, they said "all cars are occupied."
The last option was to order a taxi in advance (2 hours in advance), but he arrived 15 minutes before the scheduled time, tried to call (I was busy at work) and left. And there was still time before departure !!!!!!!
disgusting service, with a stated order completion time of 25-30 minutes. I had to wait for more than 1 hour, while the operator does not answer the call and sends the car not to the call, but where it is more convenient for him.