An ordinary shopping center. I didn't really walk around it.there is a good coffee shop at the entrance. Delicious coffee and dessert. The price is normal. That's it.
It looks like a decent shopping mall. But my aunt cleans the floors with an ordinary mop. It's time to fork out for automated floor cleaning. There is a lot of dirt in the city. How much human labor does it take?!
I didn't like it. Completely. It looks huge. In fact, none. Inside there is a leader supermarket where they sell kebabs by weight, which has long since rotted away. They brought him home and a clear smell of Ostankino came from him. The departments have sleepy employees who are not able to suggest anything.
The usual td is mostly stuff. It is a 4-storey building. Little. There is a boutique "bifrey" is not expensive. There is a grocery leader in the first place, in my opinion expensive. Basically everything
The only shopping mall with Bayzar where toilets are free) if only the akimat did not see this comment) otherwise, an excellent and beautiful shopping mall
I liked the children's area, it was very interesting, clean, bright and safe, the cafe on the top floor smells of fried butter, the canteen staff has no special equipment. Clothes, it's probably not sanitary