A great place, great coaches with the right education and skills. Dancing classes are a pleasure... No, not like that - FOR FUN! With a capital letter. And there's a set for an adult group, for Tuesday... I highly recommend it. Not social, but real - sports ballroom dancing! For my many years of experience in dancing, I found here what I was missing.
TANGO Dance Club, this is our love from the first lesson! Our favorite teachers are Ilya Viktorovich, Pavel Petrovich, Marina Rostislavovna, Tatyana Nikolaevna and many others. It's worth a lot to find something to do and even more, a common language with adult teachers! ❤️👍
Great place, great teachers. Large parking lot. There are groups for both children and adults. Well, if you have someone to go with, it will be a big plus. It will be easier and faster to learn dancing in a couple. After all, it's not just tango ☺
Excellent tango school. The only school where a choreographer by education teaches. Therefore, he understands how and what to teach, and not as in other places, "well, you look and remember"