Salomalekum. QonQuyishMarkazi ro'parasida joylashgan TDPU Professional ta'lim fakulteti binosi juda befayz bino. Bino juda eski. Zaxlab ketgan. Yoqimsiz hid keladi. Koridorlari juda tor, uzun va qorong'u. Odam yuragi siqiladi, tezroq chiqib ketgisi keladi. Bino yana yo'l yuzida joylashgan, doimiy shovqin. Bu joyda Tasviriy San'at yo'nalishi joylashtirib juda noto'g'ri qilingan. Bu bino umuman ta'limga to'g'ri kelmaydi. Talabalarda depressiya va tushkunlik chaqiradi. Shahar markazidan uzoqda izolatsiyalangan. Tasviriy san'at yo'nalishi o'zi qanaqa o'qitilishini hech kimdan bilolmaysiz, toki o'sha qo'rqimchli binoga bormagunizcha, bu yo'nalishda o'quvchi talabalar shunchaki internetda yo'qlar. Hech bir gruppa, hech bir kanal yuritmaydilar. Juda g'alati, befayz fakultet.
The university seems to be in some world tops, but in fact there is no organization, staff unity, come on, there is consistency with students, there is even no consistency within the 1st faculty, students are treated like cattle, 0 mutual respect, some ostentatious speeches or promises, the material and technical base is minimal, 1 TV per department, 2-3 HDMI cables to the department, the lights in the classrooms went out, or blinks so that it drives you crazy, only 2 sockets per audience, Wi-Fi does not catch inside the classrooms to run videos during seminars, in canteens and buffets the food is very harmful and not particularly high quality, and even an overpriced price for unsanitary conditions, about Russian Russian toilets are generally a separate conversation, both students and staff smoke there like steam locomotives, although you can not smoke even in the toilet on the territory of the university, the flush on the urinals does not work, sinks do not work, one or the other, a hood for the view, Russian language proficiency is very low among teachers for Russian groups as well as students of Russian groups (sometimes you wonder where and how they ended up, why don't you be in Uzbek groups? Yeah. And also, like the rule of the university without facial hair and the notorious form, but everything is lame here on all fronts.
Conveniently located university , very high-quality education, excellent teachers, clean and thoughtful design, a large number of places, the only disadvantage is the lack of a necessary pedestrian crossing.This university is located near a bus stop and the Chilanzar metro station. Full-time, distance learning, day and evening groups