Good afternoon tonight, I mistakenly paid through Caspi instead of 1,200 tenge. in total, 12 thousand provided Yandex Taxi with all the data of the driver Nurbolatuly Bekbol car number, a receipt for payment through Kaspibank, in the morning I can't find a driver who does not answer the phone, while Yandex recommends contacting a Taxi wheels in the car park, and they in Yandex. Thus, I did not get a refund
A great park, everything is transparent, an official dealer, support, bonuses and other charms work just as well in our modern society, accounting conducts taxes, a cannon!)
The center is large, the staff is professional, courteous, training is provided, low prices for related products. In general, the place is good, you can safely recommend it even to beginners.
You don't ask for any support, they pretend to help, in fact, there is a crowd of idlers sitting and all the nonsense that you yourself know they are telling you or trying to get rid of you faster
I am currently working as a foot courier for this company. They take great care of their employees, arrange various motivations, practical jokes for couriers
Taxi drivers need to learn how to be decent in relation to other road users, and not rude. And park properly according to the rules, and not where you want to.