I gave 5 points, but I would like to write everything in detail) I work in this building and visit this coffee shop 4-5 times a week. The pros and cons are clearly visible.
There was a period when the coffee was very good and excellent baristas worked. One of them is definitely named Victoria. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the second one. After they left, the coffee shop went down sharply. Both the coffee and the service have become worse. But then good baristas came too - a guy and a girl. It was obvious that they were burning with business. The coffee was great!!! + new menu items have been added. But they also worked quite a bit (( It seems that the management does not understand that the most important thing in a coffee shop of this type is the staff - who only need to make good coffee. It is very frustrating that the quality of coffee is constantly jumping and that such a wild turnover of staff:(The prices are not very small, and every time now you don't know what the coffee will be like. Because people are constantly changing. The quality of meals has dropped significantly. When they appeared right away it was delicious, now it is very average. I would like the sandwiches to be delivered fresh, and not to have them lying for weeks. I would also like donuts to be called donuts, not curd balls. There are not enough delicious cheesecakes (( What we have now are donuts in butter. That's the way it is) The place is very good and with good potential. But still, people don't seem to be taken care of there at all, unfortunately. Sincerely, Lisa.