Excellent views, and the monastery itself makes an impression. There is music playing inside, which, by the way, can also be heard outside, so it is very pleasant to be and walk.
A wonderful, quiet, beautiful place! Unfortunately, they did not come to the temple itself, they arrived late, but the views from the mountains were amazing around the temple!
A place where people with problems go... The presence of the Holy Spirit is felt there by all the cells of the body.... Finally, they serve every day, before the service was held once a week (for the reason that there was no church official). Father (Ter Air) is a very warm and sincere person.
Աննկարագրելի տեղ է։ Միայն պետք է այցելել որպեսզի զգալ ամբողջ գեղեցկությունը՝ տարվա բոլոր եղանակներին։ Յուրաքանչյուր կիրակի կարող եք ականատես լինել մատուցվող պատարագի։ Սիրով համեցեք
unusual architecture with two paired towers... the atmosphere inside is very powerful... nearby on the hill there are remains of a fortress wall, a chapel and other premises