Internet provider there are Internet outages to consumers. AS they said on the phone, our lights went out and the generator broke down.
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Anonymous review
December 7, 2016
I want to share information and my impressions with all Internet users from the Tenet company in Odessa, and warn about the quality of services provided, and in particular SIP telephony. I was informed by the head of the SIP telephony department of the Internet provider of the Tenet company that my home phone connected from the SIP telephony of the Tenet company was blocked due to unauthorized access by an unidentified person and the use of my phone for calls abroad totaling 603 hryvnia.
A week before, I visited the Tenet subscriber department and paid a subscription fee in advance in the amount of 1,548 gr. per year for using Tenet's Internet services, including SIP telephony services. On the same day, I talked with an employee of the Tenet technical support department about the possibility of using a SIEMENS telephone for SIP telephony.
Unauthorized access and use of my phone are dated the following day. On my part, there were suspicions about the confidentiality of information received by Tenet employees from all clients of the company, as well as about the security of using SIP telephony from Tenet in general.
On my part, I submitted a written statement of complaint addressed to the director of Tenet Company with a request to make every effort and use all available technical capabilities of the company for an internal investigation and to establish the causes of this incident.
The reply letter on behalf of the director of Tenet company was received by me after some investigation and long consultations with the lawyers of Tenet company, as I was informed verbally. The letter informs me that the internal investigation of the facts of abuse by the company's employees has not been established. It is not possible to independently establish the fact of a violation by third parties of the company, since the company is not a law enforcement agency and does not have the authority to conduct operational and investigative measures. Moreover, since the damage was caused specifically to me, and not to the company, then I am the victim of illegal actions, and only on my personal statement, and not on the statement of the Tenet company, an inspection and further investigation can be initiated. And there can be no question of any return of the "stolen" money to my personal account from the company, since the company is obliged to pay for the service already provided to its European mobile communication partners.
Although during the investigation by Tenet, the exact IP address of the user who committed this criminal act was established, and so was the Internet provider company. According to the head of the SIP telephony department of Tenet, the company does not have any security service dealing with exactly such investigations and the security of the use of the Internet and SIP telephony by customers. And there is only a security service that protects the company's facilities – in other words, only guards are available. Therefore, there can be no question of any security of using the Internet and SIP telephony. The company is unable to provide proper and secure Internet service and reserves this right to the customers themselves. Only safe and clear control of the withdrawal of payment for services by the subscriber department is carried out. During my personal conversation with the head of the SIP telephony department of Tenet, it turned out that I was far from the first in the list of such victims in the company's practice. It turns out that such criminal practice of various kinds by Internet criminals has been repeatedly used many times before, and the company's clients lost their hard-earned hryvnia by the thousands overnight. To my question, why did Tenet company in such cases not take any drastic actions to further protect its customers from such "hacks", or at least warn customers in writing or verbally about such incidents, or at least to further complicate them – let alone completely prevent them, The head of the SIP telephony department told me about this, saying that the company is afraid to scare its customers, especially large companies, and that they may refuse the services of the Tenet company altogether in the future. It follows from this that it is better for the management of the Tenet company to sit quietly, feel quite comfortable, regularly charging subscription fees from customers, and not bother to take further care of them, despite even non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract for the provision of telecommunications services, and in particular clause 2.1.12 "Take measures to protect subscriber lines from unauthorized connections ."