Сейчас, когда больше, чем у 30% детей, возникают проблемы с учебой в школе из-за задержки речевого развития, важно не только правильно поставить звуки, но и помочь ребенку овладеть речью до того момента, когда ему нужно будет учиться читать и писать.
We have been studying at the Teremok speech therapy center for 9 months now, I really like the result, during this time my child began to speak! And this is no longer a couple of words, but phrases and small sentences, and can even remember and tell a rhyme! Yes, there is still something to work on, but this is already a huge victory for us!
Special thanks to Vsevolod, for his sensitivity and patience, this is a very hard and very necessary work. After the lesson, he will always tell you and tell you what needs to be worked on, and how best to do it.
The administrator is always polite and courteous, everything can be clarified and everything will always prompt and tell.
It is very convenient to register for classes, there is always an opportunity to adjust, if suddenly the plans have changed, at the right time for yourself. The work is organized perfectly at the center, I am more than satisfied with everything and I will continue to take the child to classes here.
I want to give you a review about the Teremok center , in particular about the teacher Elena Iosifovna . I turned to them on recommendation as the best specialist in my field .
If you need a speech therapist who knows his job, knows how to find the right approach to a child, and is eager to get the result of his work, I can safely recommend it.
I would also like to thank Dmitry for his ability to delve into
problems and solve them according to his conscience.
Excellent specialists. Maximally focused on the comfort of the child during the lesson. They came in 2g8m with a speech delay, the child did not speak at all, the neurologist diagnosed dysarthria. Now the child is 6, talking on an equal footing with peers. We continue to visit the center to produce individual sounds. If you are looking for a competent speech therapist, then I definitely recommend the Teremok center.