Ужас 19:40 та учатурган рейс 22;30 жылдырылды самолёту тонуп калыптыр 🧐
Жаш балдар менен суук зал ожиданияда олтурабыз.
Мать и дитя комнатасы Манас аэропортунун -9 ду коргозуп жатат 🤯
For local flights (within an hour on the way) it is quite good. Small planes, the cabins are clean, the flight attendants smile, the staff is polite, they speak Russian and Kyrgyz perfectly (the crew's messages in flight are also in two languages). There is no need for food.
It would be nice to have three flights a day in the early morning, mid-afternoon and evening! There is not enough toilet in the boarding area, it is very inconvenient!!!