We were drinking peacefully with a friend, went to look for the toilet, saw the waitress with her back to us, touched her shoulder to ask where to go.
A minute later, a guy who called himself the owner comes up and says menacingly: Pay and get out of here!
We ask: What's the matter?
He says: You touched my girlfriend, it's forbidden here!
We: We didn't mean anything bad and just wanted to know how to go to the toilet...
More guys came up from his side, indicating the seriousness of his intentions.
All our attempts to resolve the situation have been unsuccessful.
The answer to our objections was simple: My private property, my rules!
They did not start a fire on the first day in Antalya, they came out, but the sediment is not weak.
Upon arrival at the guest house, they asked the Turks what it was, they said well, it's just crazy.