I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Laziza Shukurdzhanovna for her kindness, attentive attitude and high professionalism. She is not only an excellent specialist, but also a sensitive, caring person who treats each patient with understanding. Not only I can tell you about my positive results, but also several of my friends who were also treated by this wonderful doctor and were very satisfied. Thanks to her skill and care, the treatment really brings great results.
I thank the entire staff of the Dr. Bubnovsky Center. They are professionals!!! I especially want to express my gratitude to my instructor Gulya Khudoyberdievna for her kindness and responsiveness! And the adminstrator is Nigora Bektemirovna, Elvina Ibetovna. They always help everyone, they will find a solution for everything! You girls are great!!!
Thanks to the Dr. Bubnovsky center, I have been studying for 2 months and the results are excellent. Thanks to the instructors Gulya Khudoyberdievna for their work and doctors Laziza Shukurdzhanovna for their professionalism And the adminstrator Nigora Bektemirovna, Elvina Ibetovna. They always help everyone, they always prompt and explain. Thanks everyone.
Many thanks to Nigora Bektimirovna for her smile and kindness, she will always prompt and explain. The world rests on such people. I also want to thank my instructor Alexander Vladimirovich for his professionalism and help.
I have been going to the Bubnovsky Center for a month now and I want to thank all the doctors and trainers, especially the beautiful Guloyim for her professionalism. I didn't regret choosing you!
Centr Bubnovkiya ga gap yo'q. Meni kasalim Nekroz 2 tomonlama.
Men 6-7 oydan beri qatnayapman Shifokorim Laziza Shurukjanovna ga katta raxmat. U kishini maslahatlari bilan ancha o'zimga keldim. Oyoqlarim ancha yaxwi. Raxmat. 🙂😎😌