Борщ с копченостями, фасолью с заправкой из сметаны чеснока и укропа
2400 ₸300 g
Уха из семги
4100 ₸300 g
Мясо по-датски
3300 ₸300 g
Кофейный напиток, состоящий из эс прессо, молока и молочной пены. Славится своим сбалансированным вкусом, где сочетается горчинка кофе с мягкостью молока
I often came across cons in salads. I've never written a review, today.. I decided to have a snack here, I was next to work, I ordered a salad, unfortunately the greens were not washed again, the cook Tatiana, cooked the dish randomly, the arugula was dirty, the leaves were picked by insects (I just tore them off and threw them into a plate, unfortunately the salty here do not know how to cook, the only thing that will cook normally is dumplings. The place is cozy, there are good guys at the bar, the pastries are not bad, well, the kitchen ((((((((( not very tasty, and they do not cook from the heart (randomly. Is this really how a cook cooks at home for himself and his family
The taste of the dishes is mediocre, and the prices are excessively high. The cost of the dishes is unreasonably high. The portions are small. I do not recommend it.
It's a good place. Great food, delicious bread. The staff is really slow and forgetful, but if the visitors are attentive to the order, then everything is fine)