The planetarium is great, but why doesn't anyone think of restoring it, opening free mugs for children. The question is rhetorical. The shopping center is more important, you can spend money there, but we can live without space.
Why were the models of Soviet ships removed from the foyer, in which Kharkov also took part, and the Ilonov space-x was added in their place? Why the hell are you shaming yourself and the city?
In the news feed on social networks, we found information about the Full-dome video show "AERIAL GHOSTS". The sessions there were at 15.00, 17.00, 19.00. We decided to go to 19.00. But when we arrived at the planetarium, there was no one at the checkout. We went up to the top, where they were rude to us in one of the halls. I have a big request for you: keep an eye on the information that you post on Internet resources. Did I drive to this show from the other side of town just to kiss the door?
And also explain to me, please, why there were people in the museum at 19.00, if it says that it works until 17.00?