Слоенный микс нежной говядины и сочной баранины в собственном соку с мангала
2490 ₸0 g
Картофельные дольки
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, обладает богатым и насыщенным вкусом и отлично сочетается с соусами и специями
1390 ₸0 g
Рис на пару
Универсальный гарнир с легким ароматом и нейтральным вкусом
1090 ₸0 g
Ароматный и нежный соус, который придаёт блюдам богатый вкус и насыщенную текстуру. Он идеально сочетается с различными закусками, грилем, сэндвичами и салатами
It's a great place, it may seem like an ordinary cafe from the outside. But there's a good, solid restaurant inside. The waiters are always professional. We love their burgers, we take them away, and the steaks are awesome. I also like tablecloths.
They do not have delivery, but you can order and pick up via Yandex courier. The manager responds quickly and as politely as possible.
We often have dinner there, but somehow on our birthday we decided to order with us, we came home and opened a terrible, all the kebabs are burnt duck fillets, chicken lula, champignons so generally there is no circular centimeter, burnt terrible and just from all portions of three pieces tiny black, we paid for everything, just spoiled all desires To come to you
A cozy, quiet place with a summer terrace. An amazing barbecue with affordable prices. Delicious tea, draft beer and fragrant hookah. I recommend you to visit. 😎👍🏼