The atmosphere is nice. But there is no facilities such plugs to charge the laptop. Students should not take a nap while sitting after long study, otherwise guardians come to students to wake them up whose eyes are closed for a while. Strange and not healthy atmosphere.
🏛️ Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi – Toshkentning Ilhom Baxsh Etuvchi Maskani! 🎭🎶
Agar siz san’at, ijod va ilm bilan bog‘liq tadbirlarga qiziqsangiz, Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi siz uchun eng yaxshi joylardan biri! ✨ Bu yerda turli konsertlar, ko‘rgazmalar, teatr namoyishlari va festival tadbirlari o‘tkaziladi! 🎨🎤
🎭 Madaniy tadbirlar – 10/10!
Bu yerda jonli konsertlar, teatr namoyishlari va ijodiy uchrashuvlar bo‘lib o‘tadi. O‘zbekistondagi eng mashhur san’atkorlar, aktyorlar va shoirlar bu yerda chiqish qiladi! 🎶🎻 Teatr va konsert zallari juda zamonaviy va keng, shuning uchun tomoshabinlarga ham qulay! 🏛️🔥
🖼️ Ijodkorlar uchun maskan – 10/10!
Agar siz ijodkor bo‘lsangiz yoki san’atga mehringiz bo‘lsa, bu yerda ko‘plab ko‘rgazmalar, ijodiy mahorat darslari va seminarlar o‘tkaziladi! 🎨📚 Ayniqsa, yosh rassomlar va fotografchilar o‘z ishlarini namoyish etish uchun shu yerga kelishadi! 📸✨
🎤 Zamonaviy sahna va akustika – 9/10!
Konsert zali juda zamonaviy va sifatli ovoz tizimiga ega. 🎶🔊 Bu yerda jonli ijrodagi musiqalar juda yoqimli eshitiladi. Faqat ba’zan tadbir davomida texnik muammolar bo‘lishi mumkin, lekin umumiy tajriba zo‘r! 😍🔥
🌳 Go‘zal arxitektura va atrof-muhit – 10/10!
Saroy binosi ajoyib dizaynga ega – klassik va zamonaviy uslub uyg‘unlashgan! 🏛️🌿 Atrofida esa yashil bog‘ va favvoralar joylashgan, bu yerda sayr qilish ham juda yoqimli! 🌳🚶
💰 Narxlar – Tadbirga qarab farq qiladi!
Ko‘plab tadbirlar bepul yoki arzon narxlarda bo‘ladi, shuning uchun yoshlar uchun ideal joy! 💵🔥
📍 Umumiy baho: 5/5! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bu joy ijod va san’at muhitida bo‘lishni xohlagan har bir kishi uchun mukammal maskan! 🎭🎶 Agar siz madaniy muhitda vaqt o‘tkazishni xohlasangiz, albatta tashrif buyuring! 🤩
P.S. Agar bu yerga borsangiz, suratga olish uchun ajoyib joylar bor – ayniqsa kechqurun chiroqlar yoqilganda! 📸✨
Achinarli , sharoit yaxshi ammo , foydalanuvchi va keluvchi bugungi ayrim og'lon va qizlari beporastlik va shovqin bilan band . Etikadan tushuntirish berib kiritilsa yaxshi hamda maqsadga muvofiq bo'lardi
New building, good repair. Well done that they hold some free events, then they give children's groups to perform (and this is important to them), then students are given tickets to performances there. Of course, the ideas are weak, but the very fact that such a thing exists and is being done - thank you very much for this!
We were at the exhibition of gold products, which took place from May 26 to 28. Very beautiful products were presented by European manufacturers. As always, there are no receipts for the products, then there are no documents. And so the prices are affordable.
Everything is great, but there is no parking nearby, parking is prohibited everywhere, the car can only be left under signs, and the hall itself is very good. I liked everything.