A hotbed of misfits, just like that teacher who threw the kitten out the window. Know that for many people, smaller brothers evoke a feeling of love in the same way as children. Just imagine that you threw a child out the window in front of other children, what kind of future did you provide for them with this act? I'll tell you. At least they are domestic abusers, at most they are maniacs.
What kind of teachers do you have there give an example to children by throwing cats out of the window??? Apparently it doesn't matter to you what kind of children you grow up with, it's a horror that there are such brainless and unscrupulous teachers and principals if such an incident happens to you 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
Recruit normal teachers, not those who throw kittens from a height. To dismiss the teacher and the director, the fish goes out from the head. Such people can't teach you anything good!
Beozor Mushuk bolasini oynadan uloqtirib o'ldirgan - iflos o'qituvhi va uni tarafini olgan direktor ishlaydigan maktabda, Bolalarni o'qitish mumkin emas!
Thanks to the teachers who taught us.
The homeroom teacher. Tatiana Viktorovna. Yarina. T. To the teacher of Russian and literature. Elena Dmitrovna.
He to Valery Nikolaevich.
We were taught that I really wanted to go to school every day.
Both boys and girls were friendly.
Thank you very much.
When I studied there it was terrible, it was the worst school, there were no teachers, the repairs were terrible, the quality of study was even worse. But they say they've changed a lot now
I studied here. In our time, the pre-teachers were demanding of the knowledge they received. Now I don't know how to teach here. But it's still my school.
I studied at this school myself, and my daughter is studying now.The teachers are polite.There are Russian-speaking classes with a physics and mathematics bias.