There are no price tags, they probably come up with a find, and they also ask "how much will you take". Outerwear is old-fashioned, there are almost no modern models. And if there is something pretty, the price is clearly too high.
The consultation is intrusive with a note of passive aggression. They ask what they came on.
The place looks like a market that has been moved to a luxury boutique
There are "branded" bags and shoes on the upper floor. But I'm not sure that the original can be sold in this hodgepodge. Maybe just good copies.
If you want outerwear from 00x + to get prices from consultants - welcome!
Last year (June 2023) I bought a leather jacket at Tigers - very cool, long and light as I wanted. For $220. I haggled for a long time (my son drank 5 glasses of tea). In the fall, I decided to steam it and cauterized it in the most visible place ((In July of this year, we went on vacation to Kemer again, took a ruined jacket with us. What if they change it? They repaired it in 3 days!! They replaced a piece of leather, took $ 30. I'm happy! As for the delivery, 2 times they brought and delivered premium class cars for free-even though I didn't buy anything. And when I was there, they sent a young couple who didn't buy anything in the same Volkswagen. Yes, the service is intrusive, but I am humorous about it.
I was in Antalya at the MODA SHOP and did not buy anything, so there the kind women said to my face what I am)).
Insane prices taken from the sky, let's say a leather jacket for $ 600-800, a sheepskin coat for $ 1500, an assortment worse than a grandmother's closet, and they also argue that this is "new" 😁