Sooooo convenient. It's hard to run on board yourself, I changed my shoes in the same place, I left my winter boots in the same place. While I was changing shoes, the masters and the discs were checked, and the screw was found in one of the tires. According to the record, moreover, they were accepted on time, everything was done, described for storage and you can go. The car was recently bought, not new, I was just worried about what was going on with the discs, with the tires. The year of release was shown where to look, it turns out there were no old ones. 2 times a year is very convenient. There is a lot of parking space, by the way. There is a place in the hall to sit and wait until they change their shoes, with a large screen for observation and no one is standing over their soul and not right in front of the counter, that they sit sideways to the manager, I do not like to be directly under the gaze. I'm very comfortable there.