10 points out of 10 . Excellent coordinated work from the moment of arrival to the moment of departure! Everything is quickly understandable and convenient. There are also all necessary conditions for the driver ( toilet , shower , cafe ) Everything is clean and tidy , markings are applied everywhere . It's always a pleasure to come back here! Thank you 👍
I have been traveling here since the opening and now I constantly come here to overload. The customs officers are mostly adequate and friendly people. If necessary, they will tell and explain everything calmly and without nerves. Ruslan's change (I don't remember the patronymic), the most friendly and helpful people.
Beltamozhservice employees are also pleasant and calm people. They communicate calmly and kindly, without stress and showing off.
At the SVH, too, it is always clear, without nerves and unnecessary fuss. The guys are pleasant to work and communicate with. However, the guards, it is in the warehouse- they are still stuffy)))
In general, the situation is calm, without fuss and nerves.
There is a delicious and inexpensive cafe for drivers, large clean toilets and showers.
I was at all TLC, there is something to compare it with.
The management is definitely respected.