Гидравлическая тележка (рохля) грузоподъемностью 2500 кг.
15 Br
Бензогенератор Workmaster PG 3000
Оснащен четырехтактным двигателем воздушного охлаждения. Предназначен для долгой и непрерывной работы как резервный источник питания. Максимальная мощность 2,8 кВт, номинальная 2,5 кВт. Емкость бака 15л, напряжение 12В/220В. Запуск ручной.
14 Br
Нагреватель газовый Skiper ТПГ-30 кВт
Тепловая пушка Skiper ТПГ-30 отличается простотой конструкции и надежностью в эксплуатации. Работает на газу, пьезоподжиг. Оборудован системой защиты от перегрева и перепадов электричества.
In general, no cheating, but there are nuances. For example, they gave me a puncher without anything, not even a pen to hold it. Renting a stroborez seems to be inexpensive, but either you have your own disks, or pay extra, you also did not put the keys to unscrew the disks, it's good that you have your own grinder and the key fits. And a very short reason, it was really inconvenient at work. Also with a vacuum cleaner, a disposable bag as much as 5p. The tool is already well-worn, but it still seems to work, the cables are rewound several times.
I didn't take anything myself, but I live in this house and the Windows overlook the entrance. The place is popular, many people return not for the first time. I advise everyone!