I am glad that the trading house continues to serve the people of Kazakhstan.
I am glad that the house, as an architectural monument, has been taken under the protection of the Government of Kazakhstan.
According to my mother's memoirs: "My great-grandfather Iskhak was from the village of Maskara, Malmyzhsky district, Vyatka province; he went to Kazakhstan and became a famous merchant."
I keep having this question.: "Are we talking about the same person?"
Sincerely, Iskhakov Ildus Faridovich, 84 years old.
A good example of preserving a historic building and integrating it into current activities. Part of the house is given over to a needlework store, where there is a huge assortment of fabrics and all sorts of various accessories at quite reasonable prices. There is a popular bank in another part, it has been renovated better.
A crooked building, well preserved. Pleases with the variety of colors in the facade decoration. The roof has an original shape with turrets and spires. Inside there is a fabric store and everything for sewing.