The stories about the love of abundance for money of Kazakh traffic police officers thought that these were fables, but when they stopped, they realized that they were just fables, they asked 500 thousand tenge not to draw up a protocol, the excuse is: you are drunk, we are going to Shemonaiha, the doctor if he does not find alcohol in the blood and in the air, he will write from himself that you are drunk and then everything follows, but if you give 500k tenge, you will instantly become sober and go on vacation.... it's a pity the video can't be attached here.
Be careful, this post requires you to show: in addition to documents for a car, local insurance and technical inspection, there is also a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher. You also need to keep a distance there. The employee first introduces himself, then stretches out his hand to greet)
There is no relation to road safety. Cars with Russian license plates are just like a red rag on a bull - checking a printed diagnostic card, insurance, etc. They will see that all the documents are in place, the story begins about the fact that "you were seen crossing a solid line, they throw off the video, but we won't show you, there will be a trial," etc. At the same time, it's worth saying - well, make out as it should, they immediately stop telling fairy tales. In general, such employees leave an unpleasant impression, it would be better to control the condition of roads in the region with such zeal.