26.02.2025-15.03.2025 скидка на 3D развал-схождение 10 %
February 26, 09:07
Products and services
Заправка кондиционера до 500 грамм (все включено)
70 ₽
Автомобили в MAXI базе
Обязательно автомобиль должен быть незагружен
Важно!!! Регулировка развал-схождения осуществляется при технически исправной подвеске
ВНИМАНИЕ! В случае залома заржавевших развальных болтов, шпилек, рулевых тяг Исполнитель ответственности не несёт! Ра
Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, repair of ball bearings, oil changes, replacing of timing belt, clutch repair, full car sevice, running gear repair, repair of brake system, cooling system repair
Excellent service. I gave my old man, the t3 transporter, for repair. We made the car within the agreed time frame, and they immediately called me for any questions and decided what we would do. I have a very good impression, I will definitely contact you again.
I arrived at the tire service, almost dropped the car from the lift from a height of 1.5 meters, did not apologize, did not make a discount, only the manager smiled referring to the new lift, thought well, maybe there really was a question in the lift, signed up for service the next day they said they would dial so I'm still waiting