The church is interesting. But it was not so easy to get there. You can't go down a good path, there's already some kind of metal collection. I had to stomp through some garages, along a path through a trash can and nettles. Inside and out, the bricks are collapsing, and the masonry is as good as new. I was impressed by the altar, which was created and maintained by local residents. If anyone likes this, then I recommend to visit.
Руины маленькой церквушки. Стоит на возвышенности и явно в свое время хорошо просматривалась на местности. Чтобы к ней подъехать на машине, нужно проехать на посёлок и подняться на возвышенность за гаражами. Место выкашивают, так как травы в пояс нет. Кирпичики церкви высыпаются песком, оставляя за собой своеобразные желобки в растворной кладке, очень интересно.
A beautiful crumbling church, from which only ruins will soon remain, looks like a hero's helmet. Outside, everything is overgrown with weeds, inside there is a homemade iconostasis, which, unfortunately, no one is watching. But there are others who arrange a bonfire and a place for drinking alcoholic beverages (a lot of empty bottles):((((( and this despite the fact that there is a new building in Vishov - the church of Peter and Paul of the same name. Maybe the Orthodox Church would take control of its former, but still its temple and protect it from abuse? It is a pity that having - we do not keep, and having lost - we cry:((((