Sharashkin's office! At first, these "wonderful people" did not want to point-blank sell the phone without insurance, instead of a five-minute procedure to give money - to take the phone, we were marinated for half an hour. At the same time, they tried to make them look like complete idiots. They did give us insurance, and since we were already late, there was no time for proceedings. Less than a month has passed - the phone has a broken screen - not a warranty case, which should be covered by insurance. But after contacting the store, we are sent to the service center, and the service center to the insurance company, and the insurance company, where do you think? - back to the service center. As a result, a lot of nerves and money spent on trips to the store and back, and an act was never issued stating that a broken screen is not a warranty case. And without this act, the insurance company will naturally do nothing and a clear understanding that life is bad without a sucker. So do you want to feel like a sucker? Quickly go to the Citrus store at the addressDnepropetrovsk Kharkiv 3, talk to sellers who will claim that your two higher ones are not enough to set up an account, you can also talk to the store administration, who will first say one thing, and after 30 minutes of your standing in line at the service, she will retract her words and begin to download rights to communicate further with the dictaphone. And in a wonderful service center, they will be rude to you at first, and after your departure and the absence of the promised call, they will stop picking up the phone at all. You will be perfectly mixed with a pile of horse manure there and then spit on top.